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UPDATED: October 13, 2014 NO. 42 OCTOBER 16, 2014
An Evolving Partnership
China and Russia have become increasingly close, but stop short of a military alliance
By Li Ziguo

Chronology of China-Russia Relations

May 21, 2014: The China and Russia Purchase and Sales Contract on East Route Gas Project and a memorandum were signed in Shanghai. The contract will see the east route pipeline start providing China with 38 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually from 2018.

March 2013: The two countries pledged to push forward their comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination into a new phase and ratified the 2013-16 implementation guidelines of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation.

June 2012: A joint communique on deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia was signed.

June 2011: The two countries issued a joint statement on a broad range of key international issues.

September 2010: The two sides signed a joint statement on comprehensively deepening strategic partnership of coordination.

September 2009: A program on planning for cooperation between China's northeastern region and Russia's Far East and Eastern Siberia region (2009-18) was approved.

June 2009: The program for China-Russia investment cooperation planning was approved.

July 21, 2008: The two countries sign an additional protocol on the eastern section of the border between China and Russia in Beijing. The protocol, with a map affiliated, marked the completion of the China-Russia 4,300-km border survey and determination.

June 2005: China and Russia exchanged the ratification of the Supplementary Agreement on the Eastern Section of the China-Russia Boundary Line, ending border problems between the two countries.

October 2004: The guidelines for implementing the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation were approved.

May 2003: The two countries signed a joint statement in which both sides agreed to develop good-neighborly and friendly relations and a strategic partnership.

July 2001: China and Russia signed the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, which has laid a legal foundation for the two countries to develop a strategic partnership.

April 1996: The two countries declared the establishment of a partnership of strategic coordination based on equality and trust and oriented toward the 21st century.

September 1994: The second China-Russia joint statement was signed, announcing the two countries are resolved to establish a constructive partnership with a perspective toward the 21st century.

December 1992: A joint statement on the foundation for bilateral ties was signed, calling for China and Russia to regard each other as "friendly countries."

December 27, 1991: China and Russia sign a memo to ensure Russia would inherit the diplomatic relations the Soviet Union and China established.

October 2, 1949: China establishes diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.

(Compiled by Beijing Review)

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