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Print Edition> Business
UPDATED: June 11, 2012 NO. 24 JUNE 14, 2012
A New Green Plan
Foreign companies join in China's efforts to seek sustainable city development
By Liu Xinlian

INTELLIGENT MODEL: Visitors look at a model of a smart urban transportation system at the China (Ningbo) Smart City Technology and Applications Expo held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province (ZHANG PEIJIAN)

A new approach

While businesses, households and individuals are all involved in building low-carbon cities in China, governments play the leading role, according to the World Bank report Sustainable Low-carbon City Development in China.

As a green technology pioneer, Siemens has over the years widely applied its environmental technology and solutions to help cities in China cut down their carbon footprint.

It has constructed one of the world's largest high voltage direct-current transmission links to transmit green power from hydroelectric plants in Yunnan Province to the heavily industrialized Pearl River Delta. The line could reduce carbon emissions by 30 million tons per year. In Beijing, by equipping Metro Line 10 with its most advanced signaling and control systems Siemens enables the metro trains to run at much closer intervals to meet increasing passenger volume. In Shanghai, Siemens regional headquarters reduced energy consumption by 30 percent against buildings of similar scale and cut down carbon emissions by over 1,400 tons every year. In April this year, Siemens Smart Grid Division entered into cooperation with Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute to provide wind farm project designs and consulting services.

Siemens is employing a new sales approach in China. It meets with urban decision-makers directly through a team of city account managers. Siemens has already designated 13 city account managers for cities including Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai. They can offer their respective city the entire Siemens portfolio and combine their experience to help develop the company's portfolio for cities.

Siemens has successfully partnered with a number of major cities in China. In September 2011, Siemens sealed a memorandum with the Municipal Government of Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, to support its all-round transformation into a "resource-saving and environmental-friendly society" through pilot projects to upgrade the urban infrastructure efficiency. Later that month, Siemens signed a framework agreement with the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission to enhance cooperation in transportation, industry, energy and healthcare sectors during the 12th Five-Year Plan period.

Siemens also conducted energy-saving studies with cities like Beijing and Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong, to identify particular energy-efficient technologies for the cities to reduce emissions without a massive shift in citizens' lifestyle.

At the UrbanTec China Conference 2012, Siemens signed a memorandum with the Beijing Municipal Government to cooperate in green mobility, energy-saving buildings, low-carbon emission, environmental protection, financial services and talent development.

Siemens' service portfolio for sustainable cities includes much more than advanced technology and facilities. It even includes financial services for tight-budget investors who want to renovate their property and infrastructure.

"Tapping the opportunities brought by China's 12th Five-Year Plan, we will continue to play a proactive role in this growth market," said Mei-Wei Cheng, CEO Siemens North East Asia and President and CEO of Siemens Ltd., China.

Email us at: liuxinlian@bjreview.com

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