Xi receives credentials of new ambassadors to China
  ·  2024-12-13  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech after receiving the credentials of 28 new ambassadors to China at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, on December 1 (XINHUA) 

Chinese President Xi Jinping received the credentials of 28 new ambassadors to China in Beijing on December 12.

The ambassadors are:

-- André Haspels from the Netherlands

-- Abdelkader El Ansari from Morocco

-- Soeung Rathchavy from Cambodia

-- Sashko Nasev from North Macedonia

-- Paata Kalandadze from Georgia

-- Marta Betanzos Roig from Spain

-- Marcelo Gabriel Suarez Salvia from Argentina

-- Chatchai Viriyavejakul from Thailand

-- Frances Lanitou from Cyprus

-- Majintha Jayesinghe from Sri Lanka

-- Fazeel Najeeb from the Maldives

-- Elisee Jean Dao from Mali

-- Kārlis Eihenbaums from Latvia

-- Michael S. Christensen from Denmark

-- Nicholas O'Brien from Ireland

-- Abigail Shoniwa from Zimbabwe

-- Nyamaa Enkhbold from Mongolia

-- Vebjørn Dysvik from Norway

-- Chitra Jeremiah from Nauru

-- Mikko Kinnunen from Finland

-- Branko M. Bulatović from Montenegro

-- Luis Lopez from El Salvador

-- Bostjan Malovrh from Slovenia

-- Remigio Ceballos from Venezuela

-- Saleh Chahaimi Abakar from Chad

-- Hodan Osman Abdi from Somalia

-- Krishna Prasad Oli from Nepal

-- Md. Nazmul Islam from Bangladesh

Welcoming the ambassadors to their posts, Xi asked them to convey his best wishes to the leaders and people of their respective countries, saying that the Chinese government will provide convenience and support for the envoys to perform their duties.

"China has a long history and a vast territory. I hope you will visit many places and listen to the Chinese people to understand China's history, present and future, and objectively present China today, its development path and the direction of advancement," Xi said.

He called on the envoys to build bridges for exchange, generate momentum to cooperation, and carry forward friendship between China and their home countries and beyond.

"Chinese modernization is not about China doing well alone," Xi said. He added that China is ready to share its development opportunities with other countries and promote the modernization of all countries that features peaceful development, mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity.

As the world faces major challenges and crises, such as rising geopolitical conflicts, unilateral actions and protectionism, and climate change, it is imperative that all countries take concerted action, he said.

Reaffirming China's commitment to the path of peaceful development, Xi said China will work with other countries to advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, so as to build a community with a shared future for humanity.

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