Fact Check
Algorithm accountability
By Lan Xinzhen  ·  2024-12-10  ·   Source: NO.50 DECEMBER 12, 2024

A group of central government departments have joined forces to tackle problems related to the use of algorithms by online platforms. These algorithms are used to collect, process and use data from users, and the rapidly increasing power they offer platforms is necessitating rapid developments both in the rules that guide their use and the mechanisms that supervise compliance. 

Problems identified include "information bubbles" created by homogenized content recommendations, illegal manipulation of and intervention in trending topics, the blind pursuit of profits that infringes on the rights and interests of those delivering services via online platforms, and big data-enabled price discrimination. Also, tech for good, a principle that technology should be deployed to make a positive impact on society, has yet to be internalized, resulting in infringements on the legitimate rights and interests of users. These are all concerns commonly raised by netizens.

Departments involved in the campaign are the Cyberspace Administration of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Administration for Market Regulation. The involvement of the Ministry of Public Security suggests the measures undertaken under the program will include criminal investigation.

An announcement on the launch of the campaign, issued by the central authorities in November, included stipulations that platforms should not use algorithms that encourage users to become addicted or to overspend or algorithms that interfere with information distribution. Also, algorithms must reflect fairness and justice and be open and transparent, and enterprises should conduct in-depth self-examination and correction to further improve the security capabilities of algorithms. The campaign began in November and will conclude in February 2025.

While the Internet has brought many benefits to the way people work, live, communicate and express and entertain themselves, one of the major new problems it has brought about is the illegal collection of user data such as age, occupation, health status and consumption habits. Another is taking advantage of the vast asymmetry of information and market power that platform firms enjoy over those who depend on them for jobs. For instance, some force delivery workers to deliver meals and parcels in increasingly short periods of time, leading to traffic rule violations and accidents.

The government is attaching increasing importance to cyberspace governance and, since 2022, has established policies providing detailed governance on the use of algorithms. These policies aim to protect user rights and interests and promote fairness, justice, openness and transparency in the application of algorithms.

The current campaign focuses on solving long-standing technical and institutional problems by strengthening supervision and the application of technology. The campaign also aims to regulate the algorithm ecosystem, including by ensuring that the development of algorithms occurs in a positive direction, promoting the openness and transparency of algorithm use, encouraging the innovative development of algorithms, and preventing the risk of algorithm abuse. While protecting user rights and interests, these measures will also help maintain the security and order of cyberspace and promote the sound development of the big data industry.

In the digital era, the design, application and supervision of algorithms, the core technology of and driving force behind Internet platforms, are directly related to the quality of the Internet ecosystem, and have a profound impact on the information acquisition and even the formation of values of hundreds of millions of Internet users, thus impacting social harmony and stability. It is expected that through effective governance, cyberspace can be cleaner, and more harmonious and orderly, so that algorithm technology can better serve society. 

Copyedited by G.P. Wilson 

Comments to lanxinzhen@cicgamericas.com 


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