Fact Check
Together for a shared future
Editorial  ·  2022-02-11  ·   Source: NO.7 FEBRUARY 17, 2022

At the opening ceremony of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 on February 4, 76 young people from various countries walked side by side during a performance. As they passed, a long scroll of photos slowly unfolded, illustrating that people across the world share a common destiny in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuing their dreams.

"Together for a Shared Future," the theme of the Games, speaks volumes about China's unremitting efforts to build a community with a shared future for humanity. This is a clarion call for all countries to pool their wisdom and strength in the face of existential challenges ranging from sustainable development to pandemics.

Despite the fact that COVID-19 continues to haunt the world, the Games unwrap as scheduled, carrying the torch of the Olympic spirit. China has honored its promise to host a splendid event, not only demonstrating its capability and responsibility, but also allowing the occasion to contribute to the promotion of world solidarity and cooperation.

Some 3,000 athletes from 91 countries and regions take part in the Games, featuring the largest number of events and gold medals in Winter Olympics history. The Games not only provide an opportunity for winter sport athletes to realize their ambitions, but also represent a message from the international community to work together toward a shared future. It's a powerful memo: Only by replacing confrontation with cooperation and eliminating exclusivity through inclusiveness, can humanity forge a bond to overcome hardship.

Never has it been more important to continue solidarity and mutual assistance than today, at a time when the world faces a volatile international situation, frequent conflict and risks of division and decoupling. The Games exemplify the latest addition to the Olympic motto, "—Together," and connect people around the globe. Helping the international public rethink the status quo and push through adversity, the Games will mark a milestone that bridges differences among countries and injects hope for progress.

Throughout the Winter Olympics, the world should not only cheer on all the athletes battling it out in the arena, but also those outside the arena who stand united and strive for excellence in the Olympic spirit.

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