China Tourism Group showcases sustainable tourism at 'Travelogue of China' media tour
  ·  2024-12-06  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

In late November, China Tourism Group showcased its sustainable tourism initiatives at the 2024 "Travelogue of China" International Media Communication Activity, co-hosted by the Chinese Public Diplomacy Association and Global Times Online.

An international media delegation began their journey at CTG•Anji Hele Valley in Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Developed by CTG International under China Tourism Group, the valley exemplifies sustainable development rooted in the philosophy that "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets."

Li Jian, general manager of Hong Kong CTS (Anji) Tourism Development Co., Ltd., said, "Hele Valley's development strictly follows the principle of minimal intervention. All architectural designs use eco-friendly technologies to minimize environmental impact. Road and pathway designs consider the terrain, avoiding damage to tea plantations, bamboo forests, and water sources, allowing visitors to connect with nature without disturbing it."

At Qiandao Lake in Hangzhou, the journalists experienced the integration of ecological protection and tourism development. According to Wei Hong, deputy general manager of CTG (Zhejiang) Qiandao Lake Company, "The Qiandao Lake scenic area attracts two million tourists annually, playing a very positive role in boosting the local economy and promoting employment. Three to five generations of indigenous residents have participated in the construction and operation of the entire national-level resort area at Qiandao Lake."

"Qiandao Lake has left a very strong impression on me," said Aiperi Temirova, a journalist from Kyrgyzstan's NEWS.KG. "The way people care about its preservation and how it affects the local community is very impressive."

Throughout the tour, the delegation witnessed Zhejiang's achievements in ecological civilization and green transformation. They observed efforts in promoting high-quality economic development and harmony between humans and nature. Through news platforms and social media, the journalists shared their experiences, showcasing a real and comprehensive image of China.

"Without a doubt, I want to return to China with my friends and family and visit all these beautiful places," said Ecaterina Reveaco, an editor from Moldova's

By highlighting sustainable tourism initiatives, the media tour contributed to global understanding of China's commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development.


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