Renovation plans for aging residential areas have been unveiled in Hangzhou
  ·  2020-08-12  ·   Source: NO.33 AUGUST 13, 2020

Renovatioplans for aging residential areas have been unveiled in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in east China. Traditional culture will be highlighted in the facelift. For example, the Mawang Community will adopt a style of white walls and black tiles to showcase local features.

Renovation of old urban residential areas has been intensified this year to benefit nearly 7 million households in 39,000 communities. The work includes upgrade of infrastructure such as building elevators, charging piles, water supply lines and roads. 

Efforts are also being made to mobilize citizens to participate in the work and enhance long-term neighborhood management mechanisms. That can play a significant role in community affairs management. Property management should also be improved by introducing professional teams that can provide better services in community maintenance and operation. 

In areas with large elderly populations, services such as nursing and medical treatment should be introduced. Libraries, gyms and other public spaces should be added to increase communication between residents. 

This is an edited excerpt of an article originally published in Qianjiang Evening Daily on July 31

(Print Edition Title:  Facelift of Old Houses) 

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