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China's defense ministry urges Japan not to destabilize South China Sea
  ·  2023-11-17  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

A spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense on Thursday urged Japan not to stir up trouble in the South China Sea.

Defense cooperation between countries should not harm the interests of a third party or jeopardize regional peace and security, ministry spokesperson Zhang Xiaogang said at a press conference, commenting on the security cooperation attempts between Japan and the Philippines.

Zhang alerted countries in the region and the international community to the fact that Japan has increasingly become a destabilizing factor in the Asia-Pacific region and is attempting to subvert the post-WWII international order.

In recent years, Japan has breached its pacifist constitution and its exclusively defense-oriented policy, and has constantly exported weapons and equipment, heading further down the road of military expansion, Zhang noted, adding that it also tried to woo partners to destabilize the situation in the South China Sea.

"We urge the Japanese side to speak and act cautiously on military and security matters, and do more to contribute to regional peace and stability," Zhang said.


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