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China issues outline to improve quality of development
  ·  2023-02-07  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

China has issued an outline to improve the overall quality of its economy amid efforts to promote high-quality development.

The country aims to boost its strength in quality and steadily increase the influence of Chinese brands by 2025, according to the document jointly issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council.

Measures will be taken to make obvious improvements to the quality and efficiency of economic development, increase the quality and competitiveness of industries continuously, and raise the quality levels of products, projects and services significantly, per the outline.

It also sets goals for greater progress in brand-building, constructing more modern and effective quality infrastructure and fine-tuning the country's quality management system by 2025.

By 2035, China will have formed a more solid foundation and developed an advanced culture for quality development, and its comprehensive strength in terms of quality and brands will reach a higher level, according to the outline.


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