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The National Immigration Administration of the Ministry of Public Security Issues 12 Measures to Improve Entry and Exit Services | |
Effective Nationwide on August 1, 2019 国家移民管理局12条移民与出入境便利政策(2019年8月1日起在全国实施) 1、对外籍高层次人才、有重大突出贡献以及国家特别需要的外国人,经国家有关主管部门、省级人民政府或国家重点发展区域管理部门推荐,可向公安机关出入境管理部门申请在华永久居留。上述人员的外籍配偶和未成年子女可随同申请。 1. Foreign nationals with advanced professional skills or outstanding achievements, or having exceptional ability needed for China's national development may apply to the immigration department of China's public security authorities for permanent residency in China upon recommendation by the competent national authorities, provincial people's governments or the administrative departments of key development regions approved by the Central Government. Their foreign spouses and underage children may file applications together with them. 2、在中国境内工作的外国人,连续工作满4年、每年实际居住不少于6个月,工资性年收入不低于上一年度所在地区城镇在岗职工平均工资的六倍,年缴纳个人所得税不低于工资性年收入标准的20%,可向公安机关出入境管理部门申请在华永久居留。其外籍配偶和未成年子女可随同申请。 2. Foreign nationals who have worked in China for four consecutive years and stayed in China for no less than six months in each of the four years, with an annual salary income of at least six times the average salary of the previous year earned by urban employees in the same area and annual personal income tax payment of no less than 20 percent of their standard annual salary income, may apply to the immigration department of China's public security authorities for permanent residency in China. Their foreign spouses and underage children may file applications together with them. 3、在中国境内工作的外籍华人,具有博士研究生学历或在国家重点发展区域连续工作满4年、每年实际居住不少于6个月,可向公安机关出入境管理部门申请在华永久居留。其外籍配偶和未成年子女可随同申请。 3. Chinese with foreign nationalities who work in China, have doctoral degrees or have worked continuously for four years in key development regions of China approved by the Central Government and have stayed in China for at least six months in each of the four years, may apply to the immigration department of China's public security authorities for permanent residency in China. Their foreign spouses and underage children may file applications together with them. 4、国内重点高等院校、科研院所和知名企业邀请的外国专家学者,以及设区的市级以上人民政府人才主管部门、科技创新主管部门认定的外籍高层次管理和专业技术人才,可向公安机关口岸签证部门申办口岸签证入境。入境后凭邀请单位的证明函件等材料,可向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期5年以内的多次签证或居留许可。 4. Foreign experts and scholars invited by well-established institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutes or well-known companies in China, and high-skilled foreign management and technology professionals recognized by the human resource or the technology innovation departments of the people's governments at or above the municipal (with districts underneath) level may apply to the visa department of China's public security authorities at the port of entry for an entry visa. After entering China, they may apply to the immigration department of China's public security authorities for a multiple-entry visa or a residence permit valid for up to five years with documents including certificate letters issued by the organizations that sent the invitation. 5、国内重点发展领域、行业引进的外籍人才和创新创业团队成员,可凭工作许可和单位函件等材料,向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期5年以内的居留许可。创新创业团队外籍成员,也可凭团队负责人担保函件办理有效期5年以内的居留许可。 5. Foreign professionals and members of innovative and entrepreneurial teams working for key sectors or industries in China may, with documents including their work permits and letters issued by the employers, apply to the immigration department of China's public security authorities for a residence permit valid for up to five years. Foreign members of the innovative and entrepreneurial team may also apply for a residence permit valid for up to five years with guarantee letters issued by the head of the team. 6、有重大突出贡献以及国家特别需要的外国人,可推荐其带领的工作团队外籍成员和科研辅助人员,向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期5年以内的长期签证或居留许可。 6. Foreign nationals who have made outstanding achievements or having exceptional ability needed for China's national development may recommend to the immigration department of China's public security authorities a long-term visa or residence permit valid for up to five years for foreign members of their team and their research assistants. 7、中国境内企事业单位聘雇的外国人,已办妥工作许可、来不及出境办理工作签证的,可凭工作许可等材料向公安机关出入境管理部门申办工作类居留许可;对已连续两次办理1年以上工作类居留许可且无违法违规行为的,第三次申请工作类居留许可,可向公安机关出入境管理部门按规定申办有效期5年的工作类居留许可。 7. Foreign nationals employed by companies or public institutions in China who have received their work permits but have no time to get their work visa outside China may, with their work permit, apply to the immigration department of China's public security authorities for an employment-based residence permit. Those who have received two consecutive employment-based residence permits, each valid for more than one year, and have no record of violating laws and regulations in China, may at the third application, apply to the immigration department of China's public security authorities for an employment-based residence permit valid for five years. 8、在国内重点高等院校、科研院所和知名企业工作的外籍高层次人才,经工作单位和兼职单位同意并向公安机关出入境管理部门备案,可兼职创新创业。 8. Foreign nationals with advanced professional skills working in well-established institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutes or well-known companies in China may engage in innovative and entrepreneurial activities on a part-time basis upon the consent of both their full-time and part-time employers and after reporting to the entry-exit administration authorities of China's public security authorities for record-keeping. 9、在国内重点高等院校获得本科以上学历的外国优秀留学生,毕业后在中国从事创新创业活动的,可凭高校毕业证书和创新创业等证明材料,向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期2至5年的居留许可。 9. Outstanding foreign students who have received bachelor's degrees or above from well-established Chinese institutions of higher learning and engaged in innovative and entrepreneurial activities in China after graduation may, with their university diplomas and supporting documents proving their engagement in innovative and entrepreneurial activities, apply to the immigration department of China's public security authorities for a residence permit valid for two to five years. 10、在国际知名高校毕业的外国学生,毕业后2年内来中国创新创业的,可凭学历(学位)证明等材料,向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期2年以内的居留许可。 10. Foreign students who have graduated from internationally renowned universities and come to China for innovative and entrepreneurial activities within two years after graduation may, with documents including their academic certificates (diplomas), apply to the immigration department of China's public security authorities for a residence permit valid for up to two years. 11、国内知名企业和事业单位邀请来中国实习的境外高校外国学生,凭邀请单位函件和高校就读证明等材料,可向公安机关出入境管理部门申办有效期1年的签证进行实习活动。根据政府间协议来华实习的境外高校外国学生,可按规定申办工作类居留许可。 11. Foreign students of overseas universities who come to China for internship at the invitation of well-known companies or public institutions in China may apply to the immigration department of China's public security authorities for a visa valid for one year with documents including letters issued by the organizations that sent the invitation and confirmation letters from their universities. Foreign students of overseas universities who come to China for internship under intergovernmental agreements may apply for an employment-based residence permit according to existing regulations. 12、探索在外国人较集中地区建立移民事务服务中心(站点),为常住外国人提供政策咨询、居留旅行、法律援助、语言文化等工作学习生活便利服务。 12. In areas of large communities of expatriates, efforts will be made towards setting up immigration service centers (sites) to offer foreign nationals policy consultancy, travel information, legal aid and language and culture services for their convenience during their stay in China. (Translated by China Academy for Public Policy Translation, Beijing International Studies University) (中文来源:中国公安部) |