Revitalizing Old Houses
  ·  2019-09-23  ·   Source: NO. 39 SEPTEMBER 26, 2019

Many old houses in rural areas are dilapidated and gradually disappearing. However, thanks to a campaign launched by the National Cultural Heritage Administration in 2016 to save old houses, a lot of traditional architecture across China has been renovated.

From an economic point of view, it is often costlier to repair a house than to build a new one. However, most old houses represent the traditional Chinese architectural style and techniques and preserve history and culture. They can also inspire modern architectural designs. By protecting old houses, people are also preserving traditional villages and culture.

When rehabilitating old houses, the exterior should be restored to its original state, while the interior should be renovated with a focus on utility. They should suit both local living habits and customs and meet the needs of modern life. Protecting old architecture doesn't mean going back to the old lifestyle. Only by adding modern facilities and improving people's living environment can old houses regain their vitality.

In addition to the government and villagers, the private sector should also be encouraged to participate in old house protection. Besides being renovated for living, old houses can also be developed as tourist destinations, which will promote tourism and the rural economy.

(This is an edited excerpt of an article originally published in People's Daily on September 16)

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