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UPDATED: September-13-2008  
IPC Official Speaks Highly of Beijing Paralympic Games

It is fulfilling and satisfying that so many people have given positive evaluations about the Beijing Paralympic Games, an official with the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) said here on Friday.

David Grevemberg, IPC executive director of Sport and IF Relations, said at a press conference that the IPC has asked "all the client groups three questions -- are you being treated well, are you able to go where you need to go, and are you enjoying yourself," and has "heard 'yes' to all three of those more than ever."

"I think we are more successful than ever before. Working with BOCOG (Beijing Organizing Committee of 29th Olympic Games) colleagues is to create an experience that is dignified for the athletes, spectators and sponsors and to ensure media in an environment that allows people to act and operate independently. I think we are achieving that," he added.

At the same press conference, Wang Wei, executive vice president and secretary-general of the BOCOG, said: "The feedback which I received from the Paralympians shows that they are very happy to be here in Beijing."

The athletes enjoy a good time in the Paralympic Village and in competition venues, and have good relations with volunteers and team officials. In competitions, the Paralympians are trying their best and sharing the same kind of spirit with the Olympians, Wang noted.

He also briefed journalists on spectators' attendance rate on Thursday, saying that of the 25 competitions sessions held in the day, the attendance rate for 12 sessions was 90 percent, seven sessions between 80 and 90 percent, one session between 70 and 80 percent, and four sessions between 60 and 70 percent.

Wang said a total of 1.25 million tickets had been sold to the public. Tickets for sailing, shooting, swimming and wheelchair fencing events had been sold out.

(China Daily via Xinhua September 12, 2008)

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