Cuba returns to a new normal: Cuban Ambassador to China
By Tao Xing  ·  2021-11-18  ·   Source: Web Exclusive

A press conference takes place at the Embassy of Cuba in Beijing on November 17 (COURTESY PHOTO)

Cuba has opened its borders to international tourists and is working on the recovery of its economy, Carlos Miguel Pereira, Cuban Ambassador to China, said. 

Despite the impact of the pandemic, the global economic crisis and the U.S. blockade, Cuba opened its borders to the world on November 15 following updated health protocols and outstanding vaccination results. 

By now, more than 10 million people have been vaccinated against COVID-19, and 83.2 percent of those eligible for vaccination have already completed their inoculation series. By the end of November, 90 percent of the Cuban population will have received their shots.  

"The results achieved by Cuba are remarkable," Pereira said during a press conference at the Embassy of Cuba in Beijing on November 17. He expressed his gratitude to both the country’s system and the support of its people, as well as thanked China for its assistance in the process. 

Nucleic acid testing at border entry has been cancelled, but all passengers are required to present a health certificate or an internationally verified COVID-19 vaccine certificate upon their arrival in the country. Travelers showing any symptoms of COVID-19 infection will be taken to health institutions. 

Following the announcement that the country would open its borders, Cuba’s ten international airports are once again gearing up to receive more than 400 in-bound flights every week. 

"We hope Cuba-China flights, too, will resume soon," Pereira said. 

Additionally, Cuba is rolling out new investment plans to boost the development of its small and medium-sized enterprises, and relax the legal frameworks and policies related to foreign investment. 

Pereira also criticized the ongoing U.S. blockade and the American activities aiming to undermine Cuba. 

Cuba will continue to steadily build a sovereign, independent, socialist, prosperous and sustainable country, Pereira concluded. 

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon 

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