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Xi's Focus Governance
A spring in their step
展厅里悬挂着中国传统灯笼,一位观众在欣赏传统家居中透露出的各_102167.jpg 一名观众被展厅里风筝造型的窗户吸引_102166.jpg 观众正在通过多媒体屏幕观赏清代画家徐扬的名画《京师生春诗意图_102164.jpg 反映旧时“花朝节”的清代蝴蝶扑花造型金簪_102163.jpg 清代杨柳青着色年画《庆赏元宵》,反映了明清时期京津冀地区元宵_102165.jpg
  • Traditional furniture incorporating various spring elements is on display inside a hall featuring red lanterns
  • Elements like kites related to springtime decorate the exhibition
  • A visitor looks at a painting on the multimedia screen, describing imperial court events surrounding Spring Festival by Xu Yang, a court painter to the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Xu created the work based on 20 spring-themed poems composed by Qianlong
  • A gold apricot blossom with butterfly-shaped hairpin themed on the Flower Festival dates to the Qing Dynasty
  • New Year woodblock prints created in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) reflect the folk customs and traditions in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of the Lantern Festival, celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month, at a recent exhibition inside the Capital Museum in Beijing on January 4
  • 展厅里悬挂着中国传统灯笼,一位观众在欣赏传统家居中透露出的各_102167.jpg
  • 一名观众被展厅里风筝造型的窗户吸引_102166.jpg
  • 观众正在通过多媒体屏幕观赏清代画家徐扬的名画《京师生春诗意图_102164.jpg
  • 反映旧时“花朝节”的清代蝴蝶扑花造型金簪_102163.jpg
  • 清代杨柳青着色年画《庆赏元宵》,反映了明清时期京津冀地区元宵_102165.jpg

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the first three months of the new year, which starts on February 1 this year, mark the whole of springtime at different stages. Spring season commences in the second month, allowing people to venture outside once again after the cold deep of winter to enjoy a beautiful brisk walk.

Introducing the customs and cultural activities of each solar term, the Beijing-based Capital Museum plans to host several exhibitions themed on the four seasons. The spring edition opened to the public on December 31, 2021. Through over 120 groups of cultural relics, the exposition introduces a variety of the city's Spring Festival traditions and activities dating to the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). Special occasions such as the Flower Festival, celebrating the birthday of the flower goddess on the 12th day of the second lunar month, are also covered.

By showcasing the different characteristics and connotations of seasonal culture, the displays, a true demonstration of time travel, see visitors relive the beauty of ancient springtime. 

(Text and photos by Wei Yao)

Copyedited by Elsbeth van Paridon

Comments to dingying@cicgamericas.com

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