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Online hiring has grown into the first choice of employers
  ·  2020-12-17  ·   Source: NO.51 DECEMBER 17, 2020

Thanks to developing Internet technologies, online hiring has acquired unique advantages such as low cost and serving more people. Amid COVID-19 prevention and control measures, it has grown into the first choice of employers.

However, the model also has its weakness. For instance, given the huge demand for online recruitment, some agencies providing employment services need to strengthen their management abilities to avoid problems in information collection and analysis.

To address these issues and regulate the industry as well as protect employees' interests, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has released a guideline for managing recruitment services. The document asks the service agencies to post their licenses and other relevant information on their websites or apps. It also urges the recruiting companies to take responsibility for the recruitment information they release.

To ensure the healthy development of cloud hiring, the authorities should strengthen the supervision of all links. They also need to reinforce using big data and other technologies to improve supervision capabilities in different scenarios, such as remote supervision, mobile supervision, early warning and prevention.

This is an edited excerpt of an article originally published in People.com.cn on December 3

(Print Edition Title: Cloud Hiring)  

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