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Chinese female carrier aircraft pilot trainees complete solo flights
  ·  2024-04-30  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

The first group of female pilot trainees from the carrier-based aircraft of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy has completed their inaugural solo flights, indicating that they are now capable of independently piloting an aircraft and conducting flights. 

This will contribute to enhancing the diversity in naval aviation personnel, Naval Aviation University, which is in charge of the training, said on April 29. 

All born after 2000, these trainees are university graduates who were recruited to the training program in 2023. 

During the training course, they will undergo multiple solo flight sessions involving various aircraft models and training subjects. 

Since their enrollment, the trainees have participated in a series of training and study courses, including aviation theory, aviation emergency survival training, simulator flights and ground flight preparations, and have passed relevant tests. 

In the later phase, they will undertake a series of flight training courses, starting with basic training aircraft and advancing to courses featuring advanced training aircraft.  


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