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Chinese envoy urges supporting Palestinians' aspirations for statehood, independence
  ·  2024-04-19  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, said on April 18 that the international community must no longer overlook the long-standing aspiration of the Palestinian people for independence and statehood, nor should it perpetuate the historical injustices they have suffered.

During the UN Security Council's high-level open debate on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, Fu highlighted the critical need for a resolute commitment to revitalizing the two-state solution.

"The two-state solution must be revitalized with strong determination. The fundamental way out for the Middle East question lies in the implementation of the two-state solution, so that both Palestinians and Israelis can realize common security and both the Arab and Jewish peoples can achieve common development," said Fu.

"The current round of conflict is an extremely tragic warning to the international community that it can no longer evade the aspiration of the Palestinian people for independence and statehood or perpetuate the historical injustice inflicted upon the Palestinian people," he added.

"In this connection, we call for an international peace conference that is more broad-based and effective to develop a timeline and roadmap for the realization of the two-state solution," he added.

The Security Council is set to vote April 18 on the Palestinian bid for full UN membership. Fu underscored the importance of immediate international support for Palestine's renewed application for full membership in the United Nations, urging all members of the council to vote in favor.


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