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China completes new round of tests on reusable liquid rocket engine
  ·  2024-04-15  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

China has been actively developing space propulsion technology in recent years, and the latest achievement is successful ground ignition tests of a 130-tonne liquid oxygen and kerosene engine that will power the country's reusable carrier rockets. 

Developed by an institute under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the new reusable engine was ignited twice on April 12 at a test site in northwestern Shaanxi Province. 

It has so far completed a total of 15 repetitive tests featuring 30 ignitions, with the cumulative test time exceeding 3,900 seconds. The number of repetitive tests on the engine has surpassed the previous record for liquid rocket main engine testing in China, the developer said on April 14 in a news release. 

Serving as the primary propulsion system for China's reusable rockets, the engine model features outstanding comprehensive capability and reliability. 

The engine maker also highlighted breakthroughs in intelligent manufacturing, saying the research and development team has established a core technology system for producing reusable engines. This significantly enhances the advancement and stability of engine process technology, ensuring consistent product quality and reliability.


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