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China wins applause for promoting cooperation, global economic recovery
  ·  2020-09-09  ·   Source: Xinhua News Agency

Leaders in different fields have expressed their appreciation for China's efforts in helping the world economy recover and enhancing global cooperation through video speeches at the 2020 China International Fair for Investment & Trade (CIFIT).

The CIFIT 2020, which kicked off on September 8, has attracted exhibitors from more than 40 countries and regions including Britain, Germany, Japan and South Korea. The event will last till September 11.

Holding such an international event during the pandemic is "of great significance," said Bahlil Lahadalia, head of the Indonesian Coordinating Investment Board when addressing the opening ceremony of an investment forum during the fair.

"It is extremely important for all participants to strengthen the unity of nations in the face of the epidemic," he said.

Calling for closer cooperation between China and Southeast Asian nations, Dato Lim Jock Hoi, secretary-general of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), said that the joint efforts between ASEAN and China to strengthen regional supply chains and the promotion of trade and investment are crucial.

China has offered an important platform for "advancing economic development and trade cooperation worldwide ... (and) has opened favorable prospects for international investments," said Khalifa Elmoktar, chairman of the Mauritanian Parliamentary Group of Mauritanian-Chinese Friendship.

Fahad Al Gergawi, president of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies, recalled his experience attending the CIFIT in 2018, noting that the event is "truly an example of an international event that fosters international investments and trade."

It brings together representatives from governments and businesses and drives cooperation and partnerships for global prosperity, he said. "Humanity is indeed a community with a shared future and mutually beneficial cooperation represents the prevailing trend of time," he added.

Chief Executive of the China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) Matthew Rous believes that by holding such a fair, China provides an "invaluable opportunity" for the CBBC to work with its Chinese partners.

Referring to the hit the world economy has taken from the COVID-19 pandemic, Rous said that "we will weather this storm together and emerge stronger from it."

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